The subject of our latest interview, Nikki Jean, is an inspiration to me for many reasons- her incredible talent, her love and enthusiasm for her craft and most of all for her genuine humility.
NIKKI JEAN ON HER CAREER: Songwriting is not a career, it is a vocation. As such, its never been much of an option, more akin to an insistent car alarm of a calling. Every day my main goal is to make music with my friends, and it is deeply satisfying walking out of the studio at 4 in the morning with something to play on the ride home that didn’t exist yesterday. I’ve always held fast to the notion that I am inspired by good food, good friends, and bad bad men. .. but I think the closer to the truth is that I’m inspired by great minds, and small moments. . and what happens when the two of them collide. Hmm. . something important. . dental health? that’s true. . I was at a Patti Smith concert and she said “if I could tell you anything I’ve learned its to take care of your teeth”. Other than that. . go with your gut, follow your bliss, its rarely safe, fraught with hardship, and the most rewarding way to spend your brief time here.
Nikki in a self made skirt and top
WARDROBE STAPLES: I tend to make a lot of my own clothing, primarily skirts cause they’re easy and so comfortable. Outside of the things I make my current absolute favorite piece of clothing is a 1972 wool varsity jacket that has the Technics emblem on the back. It fits perfectly and its a piece I look forward to owning till someone pries it from my cold dead hands. I also am very keen on my 1986 Billy Joel concert t-shirt, a cheap Forever 21 Tupac loose tank, and a pair of black 531 Levi’s. I tend to veer toward classic Americana casual.
Billy Joel Concert T-Shirt

Heidi Wynne Charcoal Grey Tank, Heidi Wynne Deep Fuchsia Cashmere Bella Wrap
CURRENTLY READING: I’m currently reading Linguistics for Dummies, The Metaphors We Live By, and This Means This That Means That. I just finished The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, I highly recommend this book. . . it’s been life altering for my house.
The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo
SUMMER TRAVEL DESTINATION: I spent much of the summer in Chicago, but took a brief vacation to Playa Conchal and the Monteverde Cloud Forest in Costa Rica. I didn’t know zip lining through the jungle was a life goal, but having completed it, I think it should be.
Chicago, Illinois
Monterverde Cloud Forest Reserve, Costa Rica
Playa Conchal, Costa Rica
FAVORITE BEAUTY PRODUCTS: Peter Thomas Roth anti aging cleanser. CeraVe Sunscreen (and PM lotion-super cheap and wonderful) Paula’s Choice BHA liquid, and any good Vitamin C serum.
Peter Thomas Roth Anti-Aging Cleansing Gel, Perricone MD Vitamin C Serum, CeraVe Sunscreen
MUSIC PLAYLIST: Future - Commas, Drake - Hotline Bling, Post-Malone - TeArs, Francis & The Lights - Like A Dream. and Joni Mitchell, of course. . .
Future, Drake
Joni Mitchell
CURRENTLY WATCHING: Every cheesy formulaic Crime Procedural. Its part of my recovery process from Game Of Thrones.
Game of Thrones
FASHION ICON: I don’t have one per se. . . i just like what I like. 1950s silhouettes, ease of care of my garments, comfort and something to keep me from getting bored.
FAVORITE RESTAURANT: Any restaurant with Dice Raw. Family makes the food better.
FAVORITE CITY: I really don’t have one. . cities have their own unique charm, and if you get to know them, they’ll show it to you . . Philly, the Twin Cities, and Chicago all have a very special place in my heart.
Schuylkill River, Philadelphia
Rodin Museum, Philadelphia
View from Pipeline Work Space, Philadelphia
Vodka Soda
FAVORITE MEAL: Cheeseburger and Beer
Cheeseburger and Beer